Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to overcome Heart crush or Love Failure or Breakup or Death of loved one?

Love is a beautiful feeling which binds people, strongly. Every guy and girl aspires for their dream boy or dream girl. So loving somebody is not a sin. 

Love at first sight is also acceptable, as our hormones are strong and we are surrounded by romantic movies, romantic people. Our friend's amazing concepts of romance motivate us to have a potential partner.

Every one loves before the age of 30. Some of them share their love story. Some after loosing their love, start hating lovers and love stories. 

Love is an ocean of fantastic feelings. But still it is an ocean. When we jump into an ocean, how many of us are lucky to sail and continue our love story?

Alas! I sailed for more than a decade and finally realized she never loved me. She had faked me up and played with my emotions and left me with scars.

So it was not that easy for me to overcome my Heart crush. Definitely there are lot around you with Love Failure. And if you can talk with your friends and family, you will get their  breakup stories. 

So we need to acknowledge. we are not lonely in heart crush world.
So don't feel bad. Now how to overcome love failure or death of loved one:

We need a plan, right? I give you my effective strategy to overcome love failure. Very effective strategy which helped me to overcome heart crush with a girl whom I loved right from my school days and she ditched me, when she got a better salary than me.

Now I remember all those beautiful girls whom I had said no, because I loved my girl from my school days. But none of them love me anymore. If those nice girls can overcome love failure. why can't me?

When I overcame heart crush, why can't you?
It's not that much tough to overcome separation from the loved one. So let's  start. Are you ready ???

Step 1: Confirm whether he/she really don't love you

Please this is the fundamental and most important step. Please don't ignore it. Small quarrels are common in every love story. Just telling ' I hate you', ' you know it's a break up',
'It's my mistake I once loved you',
 'all these moments were fake',
'you are a cheater', 'you faked me up', 
'you just used me', 'that's it over, finished',
 ' I can't take it any more'   

And that can be any other dialogue which you or your lover told
doesn't mean anything. It's not the end of your amazing love story.
Please call your darling, meet your love. Just find out whether you still love. Make sure you stay cool and communicate love. People spend 35 years in search of love but they are never loved but you are lucky you had someone special. Please confirm and don't depend on a secret agent who tells he is 007 or  she tells she is bond's big mummy.

That's  your love story. That cannot be put to end by someone else.   

Step 2: Hey pal if you had a fake alarm.This is not end of your love story then please don't continue with the blog. There are lot of other blogs in
please jump to them.

But,buddy you are confirmed by your partner that's a break up. Then, first of all you know you can move over. I support you for that.    
Let's continue,

Break all the bridges which take you to your darling (sorry Ex-darling, you prefer any other bad word you can choose, nobody has any problem, not even me, I promise that)

Breaking bridges in the sense, any means to communicate back to that devil.It can be blocking her or him in the social media, adding that person's number to blocklist.

Reselling all the cards and gifts to somebody. Do everything to prevent the trigger of memory chain of her or his memory in your life.

Because in next steps I have shared advanced techniques of psychology. Which needs assurance that you don't get trigger of those sweet memories.

Step 3: (After one week finishing step 2) Do a cognitive home work
Answer the following cognitive questions

3.1 List down benefits as your ex-love is not around you (for example, you can have a nice time to relax, you can focus on your exam or work, so and soforth)
3.2 Prove and list down, why he or she is unfit to be called as your dream boy or dream girl.
3.3 List down all the negative comments passed by your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend on you.
3.4 List all those bitter situations when you have sacrificed your principles to adjust for your ex-love
3.5 List all the situations when he or she embarrassed you
3.6 List all those people who were of top priority for him or her
3.7 List down those moments when she or he ignored your needs or emotions

Step 4: (2 weeks later once you know you are happy with the answers in cognitive home work, you continue with step 4 ) Aversion therapy

4.1 Imagine there is grid with horizontal and vertical lines in front of  you.
4.2 Close your eyes and imagine the worst food you ever tasted.
4.3 Find out where that worst food is located on the imaginary grid.
4.4 Experience the taste, touch, smell  of that food, remember the color and shape of that food.
4.5 Now in the climax of whack!!! feeling spot where is that food in the grid.
4.6 Now relax and open your eyes
4.7 Close your eyes and remember your ex-love. Find out where she or he stands on the grid.
4.8 Remember all the cognitive home work about that guy or girl.
4.9 Slowly move your ex-love from her or his place to the place of worst food you have tasted. Imagine your ex-love got merged into the worst food. 

NOTE: Repeat step 4 for 4 weeks (every day for 20 mins until you feel whack!!! to remember your ex-love)

Step 5: Lie truth game

5.1 write down when did you first meet your ex-love
5.2 List down all the moments you spent with him.
5.3 Relax. Take deep breaths. Focus on your deep respiration. Enjoy you breath.
5.3 when you are in the climax of relaxation. Start your love story in reverse order. Just create a new pathway of memories in your brain where those moments got missed because something else happened at that time
For example you had coffee with him or her after playing in rain. Now you visualize you were inside home having coffee with your parents. You had coffee but with your parents or someone else who is a nice person.

5.4 Slowly go to the first moment when you were introduced to her or him and put a new neurological path way as if that happened but not with that guy or gal.

Continue searching love. Search for love is common. Happy love discovery to you. May you find the right dream girl or dream boy in next person. But make it slow and gradual to know whether she or he is right. 

All the best. Enjoy reading my blogs. Spread the happiness you have reading my words.
Thank you  
With love and care
Sunil Hireholi

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